Getting Your Book Published in 120 Days – Step 5

Set a goal. How to write the first draft of your book in 90 days—a bite at a time

Create realistic goals based on how many words per day/week/month (see next section), which should be adjusted according to how much free time there is:

But let me challenge you. Without doubt, you can have a completed manuscript by the end of the year—if you want to. Here’s the specific challenge. For the first 90 days, write for 15 minutes a day. That’s all it takes. If you want to push the boundaries, and if you have time, write for the first 60 minutes of the day.

  • Set aside the same time each day. Preferably, first thing in the morning because then you don’t have to worry about writing during the busiest times of day. If needed, get up 15 minutes earlier each day simply to make time for this task!
  • Write as much as possible in that time. But strive for a minimum of 500 words. The more you write every day, the faster your book will come together (and it could potentially be finished before 90 days is up). It doesn’t have to be perfect on day one either—just put words down and keep going until your timer goes off.

Coming up next: Put fuel on the fire—hire an editor or publishing coach

Posted by Frank Gomez